NMNM ready for the best atmosphere of all times!

A crucial piece of information was said at the press conference held in Prague on Friday before the 3rd round of the 2016/2017 World Cup: Everything is ready for the races to start! Grandstands capable of hosting 20,000 spectators have been built at the Vysočina Aréna. Further 10,000 biathlon fans can scatter along the racing […]
Celebrate Biathlon Like the Czech Team Does. In Colours!

It is the final countdown until the third act of the drama named Biathlon World Cup starts in Nové Město na Moravě! Are you planning to come to the Vysočina Aréna, and wish to be well prepared on your arrival already? Or would you prefer to watch the races in NMNM live broadcasted on television? […]
Reservoir Conserved Last Year’s Snow

A giant snow depot below the Harusák hill managed to meet the expectations of World Cup organizers. “The snow is in a good condition. According to our assumptions and experience from abroad, roughly one third out of approximately 40 thousand cubic metres melted away,” stated Karel Klapač, a member of the organizing committee, who is […]
Snow Guns in Vysočina Arena going full gas

Thanks to chilly weather, snow guns in Vysočina Aréna have started up again on Monday after more than two weeks. Forecast promises quite good conditions allowing artificial snowing up until December 5 at least. At the beginning of November there were few successful nights which allowed the organizers to pile up a heap of snow […]