The tracks in Vysočina Arena are closed due to unpleasent weather coniditions. The World Cup is not in danger

Adverse weather conditions have forced the organisers of the BMW IBU World Cup that takes place from 2 to 5 March 2023 in Nové Město na Moravě, to close all tracks in Vysočina Arena. “We have enough snow in the reservoir, the World Cup is in no way endangered,” assures Vlastimil Jakeš, the Director […]
Test před SP. Vysočina Arena hostila mezinárodní IBU CER Cup

Vysočina Arena v Novém Městě na Moravě hostila ve dnech 28. – 29. 1. 2023 IBU CER Cup dorosteneckých a juniorských kategorií. Do sobotních závodů ve sprintu nastoupilo 167 sportovců, nedělních hromadných závodů se zúčastnilo 164 startujících. CER Cupu se účastnili dorostenci a junioři z Česka, Polska (16 sportovců), Slovenska (7), a také jedna juniorka z USA. Pro […]
Ticket sales for the Biathlon World Cup in Nové Město na Moravě 2023 launched

We are launching advance ticket sales for the Biathlon World Cup, which will take place from March 2 to 5, 2023 in Nové Město na Moravě. Will you help us fill the Vysočina Arena again? You can choose between a four-day ticket for all competition days and one-day tickets. Men’s Sprint will be on Thursday […]
Vysočina Arena to host IBU Cup Biathlon

The only peak of this year’s biathlon season in Nové Město na Moravě will be two IBU Cup competitions at the beginning of February. The event will overshadow the beginning of the Beijing Winter Olympics. Although there will be no elite stars in the Vysočina Arena, the IBU Cup starting field still promises high-quality racing. […]